Intro to Vim's Grammar

Update: Vim Grammar diagram used during my talk at Vim London available here

A grammar is a set of formation rules for strings in a formal language. The rules describe how to form strings from the language's alphabet that are valid according to the language's syntax and structure. A grammar does not describe the meaning of the strings or what can be done with them in whatever context, only their form.

Paraphrased from Wikipedia


Vim's alphabet is formed of all the keys and meta-keys on the keyboard. This includes combinations of keys pressed together, e.g. Ctrl-A is its own entry in the alphabet as opposed to only a and Ctrl being defined in the alphabet.

Let's define some of our alphabet mappings:


Operators function as the doing words in our grammar. They define how are text will be processed.

Main Operators:

d - delete
y - yank
c - change

There are around 8 other useful operators, however these 3 comprise most of the operations we will ever do in Vim.


Motions are the keys associated with moving around in Vim, whether thats to move to the end of word or back to the start of the document, these are all motions.

There are LOTS of motions and I couldn't hope to cover them all here, however here is a some subset for our example alphabet.

Common Motions:

h,j,k,l - left, down, up, right
w,W - to start of next word or WORD
b,B - to start of previous word or WORD
e,E - to end of word or WORD
$   - to end of line
^   - to start of line

First Rule

With this simple starting alphabet we can form some simple commands using a combination of operator and motion.

d$ - Delete to end of the line
yW - copy till end of WORD
cE - delete till end of the word and go to insert mode

That is our first rule!

rule = operator motion

The 3 words we see above are referred to as symbols in a grammar. The left hand side can be replaced with the right. We can now add more functionality to our language by adding more operators or motions.

The rule definitions are similar to regular expressions. Our rules have to match a certain pattern of characters. In our rules we will also specify where we can have repetitions of characters similar to regex +, {x} and *, which we will see later.

Expanded First Rule

Let's expand our alphabet with another symbol.

Repetition. If we want to repeat our rule above a certain number of times we add a number in front of the operator.

The form this can take:

repetition = 1..9 { 0..9 }

This formal definition says a repetition starts with a character between 1 and 9, and continues with any number of number characters including zero. In other words the numbers greater than zero.

THEY ARE CHARACTERS, NOT NUMBERS. This is because we are defining our symbols from raw character strings.

Let's expand on our original rule:

rule = [repetition] operator motion

The [] square brackets in this notation mean that this symbol is optional. So we can optionally have a repetition as the first symbol of the rule.

3dw - delete a word 3 times. 

We can however also say:

d3w - delete forward for 3 words.

Let's add this definition to our rule:

rule = [repetition] operator [repetition] motion

We could even have:

3d5w - delete forwards 5 words 3 times

Make sure you understand where the repetition is being applied. This last command is 3 times delete 5 words forward and the first repetition applies to the whole command, it is more like - do this next operation THIS many times.

This rule is already looks a bit messy. Let's move the repetition from the rule definition to the operator and motion definition.

rule     = operator motion

operator = [repetition] ( d | c | y )
motion   = [repetition] ( h | l | j | k | gg | G | ... )

Text Objects

Grammar definition:

text-obj = modifier object

Let's define what a modifier is:

modifier = a | i

A modifier is defined the keys a or i. The bar | is our choice operator here, we have to choose at least one of the symbols in the choice group.

a - generally means around our object including some whitespace or
    surrounding symbols.

i - usually means inside of the object, usually excluding whitespace and
    surrounding symbols.

First object:

w,W - word object, not to be confused with the movement!

In context this has to be used with the a or i modifiers, just like any other text object, and it will affect the whole word/WORD regardless of cursor placement.

When daw is used and the cursor is in the middle of a word, it affects the whole word and the leading whitespace. This is different and must not be confused with the behaviour of dw which is delete till.. end of movement.

More Objects:

s - sentence. This is a conitiguous set of words which are terminated by a
    sentence terminator, generally a fullstop or two line breaks. Vim
    handles multi-line sentences well.

p - paragraph. New line seperated block of text.

[ ] { } ( ) " ' ` < > 
    All of these characters work in the same way. These characters specify text
    objects which are wrapped by the corresponding character.

If you wanted to delete your function arguments inside of function("first", "second", "third") and your cursor was somewhere in the middle you can call:

di( or di)

This leaves us with function() with our cursor inside of the brackets. The angle or direction of the bracket does not matter.

da( or da)

This will leave us with function with our cursor at the end of the word.

If we replaced the round brackets with square or curly braces, we can swap the object specifying character, ie ( to {.

    var x = "Y";
    // Vim will even work on multiline objects!!
    // Great!
    var y = "X";
    return x+y;

Typing di{ or di} or even diB will leave us with a nice empty function with our cursor on the bottom bracket.


Second Rule

We can combine our text objects using one of these two modifiers and an operator. This is our next rule.

rule = operator modifer object

Ideally we need to encapsulate this idea into another rule.

text-object = modifer object

We need to define these symbols more formally.

object      = w | W | p | s | ( | ) | { | } | [ | ] | " | ' | ` 
modifer     = a | i

Let's add an optional repetition:

text-object = [repetition] modifer object

This gives us our simplified rule:

rule = operator text-object

Back to One Rule

We can combine this with our other rule:

rule = operator ( motion | text-object )

Our composite rule now covers both text object manipulation and manipulation using motions.

More Rules

To create a full grammar we would need to specify all of the commands and there are many corner cases.

We should mention a few other rules in our Vim grammar. When a operator is called twice it produces its effects on the entire line.

dd - delete whole line 
yy - yank whole line
cc - delete whole line and go to insert mode

A new rule for this:

rule = duplicate-op

We can repeat this command too:

rule = [repetition] duplicate-op

Simple. We can use a motion by itself to move around the document.

rule = motion

We can also have a general purpose rule for movement. We can see how we are now building up our grammar for Vim and how this can define all our commands we will ever use.

Other rules

selection-manipulation = selection { motion | text-object } ( selection-operator | operator )

Curly braces specify an optional repetition, similar to the * operator in regex, it allows any number of matches including zero.

[repetition] insert-mode {chars} exit-insert
[repetition] colon {chars} exit-command
[repetition] operate-special
[repetition] selection-operator
[repetition] search-specify

More Resources

If you're still confused or want to learn more about Vim's grammar the first stop would be Vim's help!

:help motion
:h operator
:h text-objects

There are some other great resources available:

Learn to speak Vim – verbs, nouns, and modifiers
The Grammar of Vim

Here is also a very good Stack Overflow answer to a question on Vim; it is well worth a read and covers Vim's grammar is a way which really helped me understand when I first started Vimming. - Grok with Vim

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30 January 2013
